Sunday, June 5, 2011

Well WE DID IT!!! First DTS done and finished here in the Sunshine Coast of Australia. Taiwan was an AMAZING outreach and we are so excited to show you our video. Here is a little snap shot of what God did through us. Enjoy

Taiwan Outreach Video from Bethany Roque on Vimeo.

If you want to see any more stories about what we did you can go to

1 comment:

Cristine said...

That video was so beautiful, so powerful, I felt the Lords presence during the scene at the cross. How did you get a team that was gifted in dance and music? Were they hand picked or was it God?
If my child was under your leadership I would say to you, thank you, thank you for following after the Lord as you ministered and guided each of the team members. It was very evident that you walked according to the Lords will and that your hearts desire was for the lost! Bless you and each team member that they would continue to seek after the Lord as they head home.
Luke and Bethany you are awesome!!! So proud to know you!!!